Our History, Mission, and Team
Concerned property owners responding to high increases in property tax assessments united to form HCPOA in 2002 with goals of improving the accuracy of those assessments and helping property owners better understand the assessment appeals process. Our organization has since expanded our community outreach to include broader concerns and issues impacting Hart County and the City of Hartwell.
HCPOA is a community-oriented service organization and 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Members are taxpayers and/or property owners including part- and full-time lakeside residents, rural land owners, city and subdivision homeowners, and agricultural, industrial, and commercial business owners. Any individuals, families and businesses who pay taxes in Hart County -- including sales and use taxes on goods and services purchased here -- are eligible for membership.
HCPOA convenes periodic General Membership meetings that cover a wide range of topics of interest to the community. Admission is usually free, and the general public is almost always welcome, though we occasionally do hold Members-Only meetings given the value provided. Membership is inexpensive and highly encouraged.
Other Association activities include:
1) active monitoring of the Hart County Charter Schools district, including issues related to financial management, construction projects, property tax usage, student achievement, and curriculum.
2) ongoing coordination with other community organizations and businesses within the Savannah River Basin in Georgia and South Carolina. Participants include Federal, State, and local government officials from both states. Issues of interest include stabilizing lake levels, environmental concerns, recreation facilities, and economic development.
3) monitoring annexations of County land to the City of Hartwell and the impact of developing rural properties with high-density projects.
4) working with the Hart County Tax Assessors Office to ensure that property assessments remain linked to actual sales values and changing market conditions.
Our Mission
To establish and maintain good working relationships with our elected, hired and appointed officials.
To ensure fair and equitable taxation for all Hart County, Georgia property owners.
To promote well educated voters, thereby eliminating apathy.
To hold our government officials accountable to their constituents.
Our Board of Directors and
Executive Management Team
2024-25 President/
Lowell Macher
David Thompson
2024-25 VP/
Vice Chairman
Jim Martell
Mark Haltom
Director &
Tammy Evans Fazio
Frank Spenger
Matt Denton
Diane Wirth
Hart County Board of Commissioners
The Hart County Board of Commissioners consists of five members, each representing a specific geographic district. Commissioners meet @ 6:00pm on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month @ the Hart County Administrative & Emergency Services Center, 800 Chandler Street, Hartwell. Their next meeting's agenda should be available @ https://www.hartcountyga.gov/agenda.html. For more information, please consult https://www.hartcountyga.gov/commissioners.html.
Hartwell City Council
Hartwell City Council meets @ 6:00pm on the first Monday of each month in Council Chambers @ City Hall, 456 East Howell Street, Hartwell. Their next meeting's agenda should be available here: https://www.hartwellga.gov/node/7321/agenda.
Hart County Board of Education
The Hart County Board of Education consists of five board members, one elected from each district within the county to serve a four-year term. Districts 2 and 4 will elect or re-elect their Board members in 2026, while Board seats for Districts 1, 3, and 5 are next up in 2028. The Board is responsible for creating policies and rules to govern the school system, hiring the superintendent, hiring employees on the superintendent's recommendation, calling elections to authorize a Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST), and buying and selling school property.
A District map, information on Board members, their meetings, calendar, agenda, public comment policies and procedures, and more, are available at their website: https://www.hart.k12.ga.us/about-us/board-of-education/home.
The Board usually meets @ 6:00pm on the 2d Monday of each month (sometimes the 3d Monday), @ Hart County BOEd offices, 284 Campbell Street, Hartwell.